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2011/6/8 9:39:46   天津视窗   城市网



  China targets hi-tech cheatingbefore Gaokao exam: As millions of Chinese students are doing some last-minute cramming for the upcoming national college entrance examinations, authorities have launched a crackdown on sales of high-tech devices that might be used to cheat on the tests.


  文中的hi-tech cheating就是指“高科技作弊”。High-tech一般指电子方面的高技术、高科技,也可以指图案、物体等样式新颖的、用高新技术材料的,比如high-tech export(高科技出口)和文中的high-tech devices(高科技设备)。Gaokao这里是对National College Entrance Examination (NCEE)的简称, NCEE是全球规模最大的standardized test(标准化考试)。

  Last-minute cramming指的是考生在上考场前最后的冲刺,cramming一般用来形容死记硬背、填鸭式的教学。

  如今,看上去普通的尺子、橡皮、眼镜盒、铅笔等都可以成为“作案工具”。常见的作弊工具还有wireless earphones(无线耳机)、transmitter-receiver sets(信号收发装置)、wireless communication devices(无线通信设备)等等。

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